The U.S. military has imposed new strategies aimed at reducing binge drinking in the armed services, the NBC News reports. Among the new initiatives include giving random breathalyzer tests to Marine Corps members; limiting overnight liquor sales forU.S. military personnel in Germany ; and preventing American troops in Japan from leaving their residences after consuming more than one alcoholic beverage. The restrictions came three months after a U.S. Department of Defense-sponsored report found that binge drinking by active duty personnel increased from 35 percent in 1998 to 47 percent in 2008. In order to effectively address excessive drinking and substance abuse use in the military, the report suggests that DOD adheres to evidence-based strategies for prevention, screening, and treatment.
The U.S. military has imposed new strategies aimed at reducing binge drinking in the armed services, the NBC News reports. Among the new initiatives include giving random breathalyzer tests to Marine Corps members; limiting overnight liquor sales for